Building Trades, Manufacturing and Coworking? [Ripple Effect]

building trades manufacturing and coworking

Explore the symbiotic relationship of building trades, manufacturing, and coworking and how these Ripple Coworking member stay competitive, adapt to trends, and grow their businesses.

Discover the close relationship between building trades, manufacturing and coworking! This month, we’re shining a spotlight on the many building and manufacturing trades represented within our Ripple Coworking community! Whether its roofing and home remodeling, or constructing display booths for trade shows and events, these industries play a crucial role in shaping our local landscape. We gathered insights from a few Ripple members who are professionals in the building industry, familiar with the challenges and rewards of operating their businesses in Florida!graphic insert - ripple coworking members in building trades and manufacturingTIPS AND STRATEGIES TO STAY COMPETITIVE & GROW YOUR BUILDING TRADES OR MANUFACTURING BUSINESS

“Finding new ways to fabricate, and implement strategic practices keeps us current, cost effective! We have developed many great partnerships over the years and quite frankly, we grow because our clients love working with us. They recommend us to their friends, colleagues and strangers that ask.” – Michael Goumas

“To stay competitive, I work hard to receive the best rates from our suppliers so that I can offer a fair price to customers.” – Rhonda Lawhun

“Leveraging Hippo’s resources to market relevant information to homeowners via mailers, home shows, and social media platforms is the key to success. Tracking the local market and competitor analytics is also a great strategy to stay ahead of the curve. And of course, prioritizing consistently good customer service helps sets you apart from the rest.” – Juan Montes de Oca


 “Sadly, we have pushed away from human interaction and people are more distant since the pandemic. I make it my purpose to visit every home I’m providing an estimate for. I will not be a company that just sends an email. My company is built on customer service. Regardless of what the rest of the world is doing, I want to make sure that if I see my customer in the grocery store, I will know their name and they will know mine!” – Rhonda Lawhun

“There seems to be a higher demand for generators, solar panels, and other things that allow people to stay in their homes in the event of power challenges created by weather.“ – Joseph Moore

building business wordpress construction manufacturing HOW ADVANCEMENTS IN TECHNOLOGY IMPACT BUSINESS

“Technology in VR, and AI are really taking off and moving quickly. We implement these advancements as clients require these options in their exhibits. We build them in seamlessly so it looks like the tech was always there.” – Michael Goumas

“Technology advances everything, including the turn-around time that customers expect. Suppliers now accept orders online, and permitting is all submitted and completed online. Human contact is less, and our reliance on working from a computer is higher. ” – Rhonda Lawhun

“Technology has shown continuous adaptation to the roofing industry. Hippo uses applications which significantly improve the overall efficiency of our CRM (customer relationship management). With apps such as JOBNIMBUS and ROOFR, we can manage multiple jobsites, customer relations, financials, and production changes quickly from the convenience of our phone.” – Juan Montes de Oca


“When we are in our busy season, the hours are crazy. During our off-season, we are sure to have lots of down time for our staff and give them as much personal time as possible so they can come back to work re-energized.” – Michael Goumas

“There are workdays and there are family days. Regardless of what you choose to do in life, I believe that family must come first.” – Joseph Moore

“Boundaries are important. I try to start each day with a list of the most important things that I need to do that day for both work and personal time, and it helps me stay on track.” – Rhonda Lawhun


“Always be honest with your clients. Build a great team of problem solvers, thinkers, and people that don’t mind getting their hands dirty. Be great at what you do and develop a solid reputation. Nice guys do finish first.” – Michael Goumas

take the time to learn - joseph moore building trades manufacturing and coworking

“The advice I would give is simple. Make sure you love it. Find the passion that keeps you curious about your industry. Whether it be marketing to the consumer or winning every bid on a project, you must find your motivation that gets you excited for tomorrow.” – Juan Montes de Oca

“Don’t let anyone hold you back from your goals. Oftentimes we share ideas with others and they try to talk us out of it simply because they don’t share the same ambition. There are a million companies in this industry, why not make it a million and one? Everyone has their niche, you will find yours too.” – Rhonda Lawhun


Check out these Ripple Members online, contact them for business, and read their full-length interviews below!

Juan Montes de Oca
Hippo Roofing
(321) 463-4740
[email protected]

Rhonda Lawhun
High Seas Roofing
(386) 279-2124
[email protected]

Michael Goumas
Cloud 9 Exhibits
(647) 234-0473
[email protected]

Joseph Moore
Moore Construction and Remodeling
(386) 503-2738
[email protected]


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ripple effect newsletter September: building trades manufacturing and coworking








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