Entrepreneur Scott Barnes Navigates Fatherhood and Business

scott barnes florida entrepreneur in online education

Scott Barnes shares insights on how he built a thriving online education business while managing the complexities of fatherhood.

Scott Barnes, a successful entrepreneur and dedicated father of six, has built a thriving business investing in online education companies while also managing the complexities of family life. Scott shared with us his strategies for balancing work and family, the challenges he faces, and the systems that help him keep everything on track.

This article is part of a series for our monthly publication, The Ripple Effect, where Scott and three other entrepreneurial parents shared their top tips and strategies for achieving work-life balance!

Scott Barnes’ Background and Routine

Can you tell us a bit about your business?

We invest in online education companies, typically those earning $20,000 to $30,000 a month, with the goal of scaling them to $100,000 to $300,000 a month in revenue. We specialize in driving online acquisitions but also provide support with customer service, tech, sales, offer creation, and email marketing—everything needed to support an online business or brand.

How do you balance your daily routine between managing your business and your children’s schedules?

Being super disciplined! We have six kids, which is amazing, but it requires a lot of systems and processes at home. We have a detailed family calendar that everyone is a part of, so we know the daily schedule. Every Sunday, we have a family dinner where we go over the calendar for the week. We’re creatures of habit, so we already know what’s on the calendar and work around that. It works out really, really well.

Challenges and Solutions

What are some of the biggest challenges you face in balancing work and family life?

Honestly, the biggest challenge is that there’s no such thing as balance. I don’t believe in work-life balance at scale. If you want to live a life of abundance, like the one I aim for, balance just doesn’t work. The key is communication and setting the right expectations. For example, if there’s an opportunity to make a significant amount of money, I set the expectation with my family that I may not be as available this month, but I never compromise on our core family values, like attending my kids’ events or our Sunday family dinners.

How do you handle situations when work and family commitments clash?

I have an incredible partner—my wife—who is amazing. We pick up the slack for each other as needed. It’s not 50/50 every day; sometimes she carries 80%, and other times, I take on 70%. We make it work, and I’m fortunate to have an incredible team that allows me to avoid most hard decisions between work and family. My schedule is very locked in, so I rarely have surprises.

scott barnes Florida entrepreneur and father

Scott Barnes’ Support Systems

Do you have any support systems in place (e.g., family, friends, or professional help) to assist with childcare and business tasks?

Absolutely. Our life is built around processes and systems. We have a lot of family in the area and hire outside help as needed, from childcare to cleaners, to help offset some of the load. Having a support system really helps.

Work-Life Integration

How do you ensure that you have quality time with your children amidst your busy work schedule?

I rely heavily on block scheduling. When it’s family time, it’s family time, and when it’s work time, it’s work time. For example, last week we went to Disney. I broke off for an hour during lunch for a work webinar, but after that, it was back to dad mode—no laptops, no interruptions. It’s all about being intentional with your time. If you’re working, work. If you’re with your family, be fully present with them.

Can you share any tips for other parents who are also running a business and raising school-age children?

Just know that if you’re struggling, you’re in a season, and this too shall pass. Understand your “why”—why you’re doing what you’re doing. Get your kids involved or share your passions with them. There are so many teaching opportunities in managing a business that parallel raising kids. It’s not easy, and I mess up sometimes, but as long as you’re striving to get better, that’s all you can ask for.

Scott’s approach to balancing a successful business with a large family highlights the importance of discipline, communication, and setting clear expectations. His insights offer valuable lessons for any parent navigating the demands of entrepreneurship and parenthood.

Interested in getting in touch with Scott Barnes?

Connect with Scott Barnes on LinkedIn.

Check out Scott Barnes’ company, The Octane Effect.


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