Ripple Members Share Their Insights on Balancing Life, Kids, and Business!

ripple members share insights on balancing life, kids, and business

Discover how Ripple members successfully balance work and family and explore their personal tips and insights on maintaining harmony between professional goals and household responsibilities.

Balancing work and family life can be challenging, but our members are proving that it’s possible to thrive in both arenas with creativity, determination, and a supportive environment. Ripple members Didiayer Snyder, Nathalia Smith, Scott Barnes and Marta Morris share their experiences, tips, and insights on maintaining harmony between professional aspirations and household responsibilities.


“We have a family calendar that we’re all part of, so we know the day-to-day schedule. Each Sunday, we have a family dinner and go over the calendar for the week together. We’re very much creatures of habit, so every week we already know what’s on the calendar, and then we work around that. It works out really, really well.” – Scott Barnes


“As a mother of two beautiful daughters, business is balanced around them – that’s the secret. They come first, and based on their schedule, I make mine, and it works. Instead of stressing about who’s taking care of the kids when I work, I ask, ‘how much time do I have?’, and I plan well.” – Didiayer Snyder



  • “I can not do everything myself. Currently, I have 4 virtual assistants with various responsibilities for my business. I also have my church community and friends that I can count on when I need them. I also have a house cleaner that comes every other week to clean my house.” – Nathalia Smith


  • “A big part of our life is built around processes and systems. We’ve got a lot of family in the area, and we hire some outside help as needed, from childcare to house cleaners to help offset some of the load. I think having a support system really does help.” – Scott Barnes



  • “I put my boys in every sport since they were 3, which forced me not to work so we could practice together. They are teenagers now and don’t want to spend as much time with mom, but we still have movie nights, date nights to our favorite restaurants, and frequently have competitive game nights that range from Uno, to catch, to HORSE.” – Marta Morris


  • “I have made sure that my girls understand what I do and how things can change daily. However, we commit to making sure Sunday’s are family day. Just us.” – Didiayer Snyder


  • “Time blocking has been a great tool for me. On my daily calendar, I prioritize my tasks throughout my day. I color-code different types of events or activities. I also leave some time in case I need to take a break or have some ‘me’ time.” – Nathalia Smith



“Share with your children daily. Let them know what you are doing. I ask my kids often what they think about what I do and I’m always surprised with their answers!” – Didiayer Snyder

“Managing both family and business can wear me out. To avoid burnout, I schedule time regularly just for me to recharge and unwind.” – Nathalia Smith

“Teach your children about your business so they know what you do and that it pays the bills. Let the kids see you as an adult who works as well as see you as a parent.” – Marta Morris


If you’d like to learn more about the professionals featured in this newsletter, or read their full interviews, you can check out their info below, access their websites or reach out to them via social media!

Didiayer Snyder – Full Interview

Email: [email protected]

Scott Barnes – Full Interview

Email: [email protected]

Nathalia Smith

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 386-202-2088

Marta Morris

Email: [email protected]


Check out the full newsletter below!

Ripple Effect August Newsletter

Ripple Members share insights on balancing life, kids, and business


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